Author: Lee Buermann
Publish Date: January 04, 2025
Reflection and Thanks
Space Duck Escape turns a month old this weekend! That's a very weird thing for me to think about. I want to thank everyone who bought my game and supported me. I truly appreciate it. I was successful in meeting my goals and I've learned a lot along the way. I'm already putting some of what I've learned to work in planning out my next project. So much of building Space Duck was about learning how to launch a business, a game, and then how and where to market it. I'm still working out that last part. I feel I really short changed my first game by being late to the marketing party. More on that in a bit, but I won't be making that mistake again.
The other big thing I've learned is that Platformers are a pretty niche genre. Especially difficult precision based ones. Many of my friends just don't like them, so my sales took a hit even inside my circle of people. Choosing that as my first game wasn't likely a great financial choice. But again - I was mostly in this to learn.
Marketing, Sales, and Contests
To celebrate Space Duck turning a month old. I've got two different things planned. All of this is definitely a marketing ploy, but I figured we'll have a little fun with it too. First, I will be giving away two $25 Steam gift cards to the people who have the fastest run time through Space Duck Escape between now and February 9th at Midnight Pacific Time (2025-02-10 08:00 UTC). You can submit multiple times if you wind up beating your run later, but I'll only let your best run stand so that one person doesn't win both of the top spots. To submit, just send a screenshot of your best time from the save card screen to any of my social media accounts or e-mail [email protected]. I'll post some updates to all of my socials as people submit.
The next thing, since I couldn't participate in Steam's Winter Sale (again lesson learned...), I'll be putting Space Duck on sale for 20% off starting Next weekend for 10 days! This means if you haven't bought a copy yet, you can get in on the sweet contest above for a discount! What. A. Deal.
What's Next
I'm trying to figure out how to run marketing post launch. This is pretty obviously my weak point, but I've got a few updates in mind for Space Duck that I plan to sprinkle throughout the next 6 months that can keep some eyeballs on the game. So keep an eye out for those.
I'm also actively toying with my next game concept. I still plan to launch one game a year with sort of a 6 month tail on updates and patches. That feels like a cadence I can keep to, and who knows maybe one of these will be a huge smash hit!
Sign Off
That's it for this week.
Thanks again for reading and following along!