Blog Post 0
Author: Lee Buermann
Publish Date: July 13, 2024

Hello! Welcome to the Broken Down Software blog, this is my first post here. Pardon the dust, I'm just getting started. There's plenty to talk about so lets get started.

This is largely a test post, but in the future I'll be posting regular updates to what I'm working on and the progress I'm making. I'm hoping to keep the format consistent to 3 parts: What I've accomplished in the current game that I'm working on, What I'm working on for the "business" (that still feels weird), and lastly telling the story of how I got here. That last part may run out of steam as I catch up to my story so far, but I hopef people will find it interesting to learn how much (or little) work it takes to get to this point. But lets start with a brief introduction.

Who Am I?

I'm Lee Buermann. I've been working as varying levels of Software Engineer for businesses for the last 10+ years. I'm still doing that by day, but in my spare time I decided to give video game development a try. I've tried this before and bounced off for various reasons. This time, I've got enough momentum that I'm all the way to this point. Starting a business, making a website, etc. I'm excited to share the path I took to get here, and the on going game development as I continue.

Stay tuned for regular posts and updates, and thanks for following along.